
weizuowen 0







  I just came to the class soon, everything did not understand. A new class, a picture of a strange face to me, my heart involuntarily "pound" straight jump. The teacher arranged for me a seat, my heart uneasy.

  The first section is the language, the teacher let us back the text, I looked at that is not familiar with the text, not help palm sweating. I read like walking in a winding path, stumbled, knock knock mix, very fluent. The teacher did not criticize me, but said to me: "nothing, a lot of practice just fine." In others, this sentence does not make sense, in my opinion, it is a great encouragement.

  When doing exercises, I have many places not, the teacher will give me a careful explanation, so I am very moved.

  Ah, teacher, how great are you! You are my most admired people, but also my most respected people! Teacher, you are sunny rain, nourish our just budding flowers.

  Teacher, I want to learn, do not live up to your high expectations!







  From my first day in elementary school, my class teacher was good to me.

  I remember there was a midterm exam, my language did not test the good test, I got the papers, I see the papers on the three words "not serious", crying. And other teachers finished the papers, revised after each question, do the second thing, is affectionately stroked my head said to me: "Nothing, this did not test well, does not mean you must be the worst Believe in yourself, you are the best! "How big is the teacher 's hope for me?

  In the teacher's encouragement, my achievements have been improved, the final exam, I actually test the first grade! Even I can not believe it!

  This year Teacher's Day, although I did not send a gift to the teacher, but I gave my best results to the teacher, this is the best gift to the teacher, I would like to say to my teacher: "teacher, I love you! I will give you the best results! "
